Who Is Fr Mir?
Mir Plemmons has been a chaplain since high school. An intersex (he considers himself XtM) mixed-race (descendant of Europeans and Eastern Cherokees) person, he’s lived his life in intersectionalities.
He’s a disabled special education teacher. He writes and speaks on inclusion, diversity, intersex, survivors, and the theologies that include and elevate our stories.
He became a Novice in the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans August 12, 2020.
He was ordained a Deacon in the Ecumenical Catholic on the Feast of St Francis, October 3, 2020 – with about 8 socially-distanced people in St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Renton, WA and most of the attendees on zoom.
He was ordained a Presbyter (Priest) in a park on the Cedar River, on August 28, 2021.
He became a professed Friar in the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans June 25, 2022.
Mir lives in the foothills southeast of Renton, among trees and wildlife, with his wife (and logistical lifesaver) Kris, a few cats, and when life permitted, chickens. He is a peregrino who’s walked the Camino de Santiago twice and hopes for a third. He’s a geek who plays D&D and Hero and is part of SF fan clubs and a living history group, the Society for Creative Anachronism. He lives with boots and poles in his car, in case of a sudden hike need – which happens rather often. He writes the occasional SF/F short story. His favorite, in Anathema, is A Whistle on the Drum. His faith publications are OtherWise Christian 2, and anthologized podcasts such as Sacramental Whine, and various Extraordinary Catholics and other interviews. He’s participated in a number of podcasts, again on diversity topics. He’s available to teach, present, panel, etc. – just ask!